Kenya and Tanzania National Parks Safari

Involved in this Safari is a visit to Serengeti National Park, nature walk in Kenya’s National parks, Masai Mara Migration Stampede, and Ngorongoro Crater game views.

What is unique about this tour?

Cross Equator into Samburu National Reserve – Beautiful valleys and rapidly flowing rivers.

East Africa is arguably the world’s greatest theater of the wild with its sprawling plains, abundant grazing animals and the majestic big cats that hunt them. The national parks in Kenya and Tanzania are seemingly similar yet offer very different experiences. The circle of life is played out every day in these large open amphitheaters, yet somehow the action is never the same. The Masai Mara and the Serengeti, though in the same ecosystem, offer very distinct scenes but they make up the same act. This Kenya and Tanzania Combined Safari is a collection of the best national parks of the region including the most visited areas. The main players in any east African safari are the animals, thundering herds, prowling lions, and lurking predators. All of Africa pulses with the sights and sounds of the last true paradise left on earth. There’s more to an unforgettable safari than just spectacular wildlife—there is splendour and elegance. The lodges and tented camps in these national parks offer just that…the luxury of home away from home.


Arrival in Nairobi

Karibu Kenya…Hakuna Matata! (Welcome to Kenya…there are no hassles here!) These are the first words you’ll hear from your tour representative when you walk out of the arrivals gate at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.

The tour guides go out of their way to make you feel welcome and earn your trust. They’re a friendly bunch and love to crack one of their many welcome jokes… its all part of the joy of Africa.

Once you’re all loaded up in the vehicle, your driver will take you to your hotel in Nairobi to relax before your tour guide comes to meet you in the evening to run through the tour itinerary. Get some rest tonight and prepare for your Kenya and Tanzania Combination Safari bright and early tomorrow morning!
Panafric Hotel or any other hotel around.

Day One

Nairobi – Samburu Game Reserve
Samburu National Reserve

Wake up bright and early as the African sun streams in through the windows. Tuck into a large buffet breakfast before your departure at 8:00am for Samburu National Reserve, a distance of 319km (approx. 4 ½ hr). You’ll pass through the green central highlands and tea farms of Karatina before crossing the equator and arriving at Nanyuki. Finally you’ll descend into northern Kenya, past the flat wheat fields of Timau and into Isiolo, the most centrally located town in Kenya.

You’ll soon be entering the Samburu wilderness. The Samburu National Reserve is a wild and rugged country with stunningly beautiful appeal. The arid savannas of Samburu are watered by the lovely Ewaso Ng’iro River. It is also one of Kenya’s most protected areas and home to many species only found north of the equator such as the reticulated giraffe, Grevy’s zebra, and Beisa oryx. You’ll arrive at the Samburu Sopa Lodge where you’ll be greeted with a warm, smiling and cordial staff. You can enjoy a leisurely lunch and an afternoon siesta before a game drive from 4:00pm until dusk.
Samburu Sopa Lodge

Day Two

Samburu Game Reserve – Shaba Game Reserve – Samburu Game Reserve
Samburu Game Reserve

Dawn breaks bright above the Samburu valleys and distant hills. It’s a new day, perfect for a game drive through this secretive but surprisingly beautiful park. You will enjoy a cup of coffee at dawn and some biscuits for the road on your early morning game drive. Head back up to the lodge and have a proper breakfast at 8:00am and prepare yourself for another game drive before noon.

You’ll spend the full day at the best spots, where the wildlife is known to congregate for a drink of water or a salt lick. The Ewaso Ng’iro River is especially popular with elephants, giraffes, lions, and many other animals as they drink water here. You’ll take a ride through both the Shaba and Samburu game reserves today. You’ll return to the lodge in time for dinner and a well deserved night’s rest.
Samburu Sopa Lodge or any other Lodge around.

Day Three

Samburu Game Reserve – Mt. Kenya National Park
Mt. Kenya National Par

As the first rays of sun streak in through your window, you’ll find yourself warming up with a cup of coffee in your room. A quick game drive at dawn gives you a last peak at Samburu before your departure at 8:00am. You’ll make your way to Mt Kenya National Park, 215kms away (about 2 ½ hours), and the home of the grandest and highest mountain in Kenya. Relish the undulating wheat fields of Timau in central Kenya as we ascend into Nanyuki and find our way to Serena Mountain Lodge. As we drive into the park you’ll see many of the rural people going about their farming business.

Sprawled on the slopes of the majestic Mount Kenya, this historic and serene mountain lodge was perhaps the first in Africa to offer travelers the ultimate in refined elegance and luxury. While lounging at the pool, you can indulge your senses in an endless display of beauty, from the towering snow-capped mountain to the kaleidoscope of gorgeous flowers that surround you. An elegant lunch at the restaurant in full view of the wide windows allows you to watch the animals that gather around the water hole below.

You may even see rare leopards, lions, rhinos, elephants and other animals. The afternoon is free for you to relax or take an optional guided nature walk in the nearby rainforest. Dinner will be served as you once again watch the action at the water hole.
Serena Mountain Lodge or any other Lodge around.

Day Four

Mt. Kenya National Park – Nyahururu – Lake Nakuru National Park
Lake Nakuru National Park

The African sun hits your windows with the promise of a great morning drive. It’s time to rise for yet another day of adventure; only this time we direct our compass down to the southwest. The crisp fresh mountain air carries with it the smell of a gourmet jumbo breakfast. At 8:00am, you will depart Mt. Kenya National Park for Lake Nakuru National Reserve in southwest Kenya, a distance of 300kms (about 4hrs).

You’ll pass along the longest range of mountains, the Aberdare range, to Nyahururu where you’ll visit the Thompson Falls for a short stopover. The drop in temperatures from the dry north to the highlands of Nyahururu is most welcoming. You’ll be driving through some of the most interesting countryside to get to Lake Nakuru at 12:00am. Located on the floor of the Great African Rift Valley, Lake Nakuru is an alkaline soda lake that is known for its majestic flocks of flamingo.

Lake Nakuru is the biggest bird spectacle in the world with more than 350 types of birds on record. Among them, during the dry season, the flamingos number in the millions. There are so many flamingos that they form a permanent pink ribbon around the lake edges. Check in at the Lake Nakuru Lodge in time for lunch.

You can swim in the pool to wash away the day’s dust and take a siesta before your afternoon game drive at 4:00pm. Expect to see the tree-climbing lions, rhinos, buffalo, leopards, hippos, gazelles, giraffes, naughty baboons, giant pythons and many more.
Lake Nakuru Lodge or any other Lodge around.

Day Five

Lake Nakuru National Park – Masai Mara Game Reserve
Masai Mara Game Reserve

Its time to up the stakes and get into serious game driving in your Kenya and Tanzania safari. Wake up to the sound of birds chirping and a hot cup of coffee. You can do a short game drive before breakfast at the lodge. You’ll depart at 8:00am for the world famous Masai Mara Game Reserve (5hrs away). You’ll cross the floor of the Great Rift Valley and climb its western escarpment onto the Masai plains. A country of rolling grasslands, dense thickets and groves of acacia woodland, the Mara is home to an incredible variety of wildlife.

Deep forest grows along the Mara River and its tributaries, where many hippos and crocodiles bask lazily in the sunlight. Here you find the largest population of lions in Africa, cautiously eyed by their neighbors, the stunning Coke’s hartebeest.

Large herds of topi, the stately cape buffalo and the rare black rhino can also to be found. Huge herds of elephant often block the roads.

These magnificent creatures are so bountiful that it is difficult to decide where to look first! The Masai Mara wildebeest migration is one of the appointed 7 wonders of the modern world. A wildlife phenomenon from July to October which sees 1.5 million wildebeests, half a million zebras, and 360,000 gazelles migrate from the Serengeti in Tanzania to the Masai Mara Game Reserve in Kenya.

To do so, they must cross the treacherous Mara river full of crocodiles, not all of them make it across. The migration is so huge that it can be observed via satellite imagery in real time as a flowing black mass. Check in at your lodge and take an afternoon game drive at 4:00pm when the sun starts letting up and the cats become more active. Dinner will be served at the lodge, and you can relax in the evening.
Mara Sopa Lodge or any other Lodge around

Day Six

Masai Mara Game Reserve

Today you’ll have the chance to experience the full offerings of the Masai Mara National Reserve, with a full day game drive over the plains. After breakfast at the lodge, you’ll depart for the Mara River at the wildebeest crossing point where hundreds of crocodiles wait for the chance to snap up their dinner. If timed correctly, you may get to experience the actual wildebeest river crossing, an awesome sight to behold.

The Masai Mara will amaze you with the abundance of animals you can see. Only here in the Masai Mara is it possible for a herd of elephants to surround your car so close that you can see the matriarch’s eyelashes, or a pride of lions to hold you hostage as they use your vehicle’s shadow to escape the midday heat, or have a cheetah jump onto the hood of your car to gain a vantage of their prey.

You might even see a lion or cheetah make a kill just 20 feet from you! Your camera will run out of space long before you run out of animals to shoot in the Mara!! You will enjoy a packed lunch at the riverside picnic site as you watch the hippos and Nile crocodiles in the Mara river below.

You’ll have an en-route game drive on your drive back to the lodge. Dinner will be served at the lodge, and you can relax in the evening.
Mara Sopa Lodge or any other Lodge around

Day Seven

Masai Mara Game Reserve – Serengeti National Park
Serengeti National Park

After a hot cup of coffee or hot chocolate, there will be one last game drive at dawn so you can see anything you may have missed the days before. A good breakfast will be served at the lodge and you’ll depart Masai Mara at 8:00am for Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, located just across the sand river from Masai Mara.

Next you venture to the vast expanse of the Serengeti. This legendary reserve supports large populations of lion, leopard and other predators that follow the great migrating herds of wildebeests and zebras. Hippo, elephant, giraffe and a wide variety of exotic birds are also in abundance.

As the vast rolling plains spread out before us, the greatest wildlife spectacle in the world is on full display. Over three million large animals – elephants, zebras, gazelles, rhinos, cheetahs and more.

Within this huge park lies a complex ecosystem incorporating a variety of environments, from the dry south where the grasslands sway in a sultry dance, to the park’s centre, a green oasis of open woodlands and thicket. Streams are lined by dense, brilliantly green forests.

Weathered domes of granite and gneiss are a favorite retreat of the big cats, a place to rest and to watch the surrounding vegetation for both danger and for prey.

Giraffes browse in small groups among the trees. Bohor reedbuck and waterbuck restrict their travels to the vegetation near the rivers and streams. Great numbers of ostrich, Grant’s gazelle, topi, hartebeest, impala and cape buffalo abound, all watching out for the abundant lion, cheetah, wild dog and hyena! Leopards are seen resting in the trees. No matter what your expectations, you will not fail to be astounded by life in the Serengeti.
Serengeti Sopa Lodge or any other Lodge around

Day Eight

Serengeti National Park

You’ll awaken to the sounds of Africa and begin our day with a game drive. Watching the sun rise over the horizon in the Serengeti is an awe inspiring moment which forges, deep inside you, a profoundly personal bond to the wild. Your expert guide is hard at work, pointing out each individual miracle of the land that you are now a part of. An extensive afternoon game run explores the depths of the deep Serengeti.

Animals are everywhere, even monkeys and, great flocks of exotic birds make it to the show. If you look closely, you can see that the big cats are just as thrilled by all the action. Lions, leopards and cheetahs, just lounge on their mounds watching as the world goes by. And go by it does: rhinos, gazelles, antelopes and massive elephants by the hundreds.

There are animals in the trees, in the air, in the bush, and in the rivers and streams…everywhere. When you’ve seen all that’s possible to see in one day, you’ll return to the lodge for dinner and a good night’s rest.
Serengeti Sopa Lodge or any other Lodge around

Day Nine

Serengeti National Park – Ngorongoro National Park – Olduvai Gorge
Ngorongoro National Park

The Ngorongoro Crater is our next destination, including a stop at Olduvai Gorge, where the Leakey family has been uncovering fossils of our human ancestors and of animal life for more than fifty years, laboriously peeling away the layers of mystery attached to the history of the continent. Under the direction of Louis and Mary Leakey, material was unearthed dating back over two million years. The remains of prehistoric elephants, giant-horned sheep and enormous ostriches have also been found in this Stone Age site.

During the last century, the very early human remains of the Nutcracker Man, or Zinjanthropus bosei, were located. In 1969, Dr. Mary Leakey uncovered the first ever intact skull of Homo habilis, dating from 1.75 million years.

You have the chance to stand on the very ground where these early humans walked and lived! Your accommodation tonight is the magnificent Ngorongoro Sopa Lodge—be prepared to be overwhelmed! Cocktails, a sumptuous meal and a wonderful evening in our exotic lodge conclude a most remarkable day in Africa.
Ngorongoro National Park

Day Ten

Ngorongoro National Park
Ngorongoro Crater

You spend today in one of the natural wonders of the world. A spectacular game reserve, the 102-square-mile Ngorongoro crater is a perfect caldera, one of the largest on earth. Millions of years ago a smoldering volcano collapsed, creating this crater and a home for thousands of animals and countless types of plants which have grown and developed over the centuries. Over 30,000 animals live here: prides of lions, elephants, leopards, cheetahs and giraffes, gazelles by the thousands and multitudes of wildebeests.

Uniquely beautiful, you will never see anything else like it.

You’ll spend a memorable morning deep in the crater, exploring its breadth and depth of life. Tonight, as you delight in another great meal at this exceptional lodge, you’ll be struck by the beauty of the orange sunset which seems to hover in the wild African sky, signaling the end to yet another unforgettable day on safari.
Ngorongoro Sopa Lodge or any other Lodge around

Day Eleven

Ngorongoro National Park – Lake Manyara National Park
Lake Manyara National Park

Awaken to the beautiful sound of the African jungle and enjoy an ample breakfast before departing for Lake Manyara National Park. You’ll arrive at Lake Manyara where you’ll be astounded ay the sheer number of birds in the park.

Lake Manyara is also famous for its tree-climbing lions, which you will find in the park amid the trees. The lake also has one of the world’s largest flamingo populations which migrates in and out of the park.

You’ll check into theLake Manyara Lodge for lunch and a siesta followed by an afternoon game drive at 4:00pm. Dinner will be served upon your return and you’ll stay overnight at the Lake Manyara Safari Lodge.
Lake Manyara Safari Lodge. or any other Lodge around

Day Twelve

Lake Manyara National Park – Amboseli National Park
Amboseli National Park

Wake up at the lake lodge in time for breakfast before departing at 8:00am for Amboseli National Park with a game drive en route. You’ll drive through Arusha, one of the most scenic and serene towns of east Africa. You will stop for an early lunch before proceeding to the Namanga border crossing and on towards the Amboseli Sopa lodge. Nestled in the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro, Amboseli is home to the legendary Maasai tribesmen and is world-famous for its tremendous variety of big game. A spectacular game drive is planned. You’ll stay tonight at the idyllic and rustically-styled Amboseli Sopa Lodge.

Kilimanjaro dominates the view from every direction, and animals are seen browsing the grasses and drinking at the waterhole directly outside. The luxurious spacious rooms are nestled comfortably under huge spreading acacia trees and have a veranda from which to enjoy the view. Dinner at Sopa is exceptionally good—fresh and delightful, with vegetables and herbs grown right at the camp. A truly special location, you are sure to remember the experience of sleeping in the wilderness and waking up to the beauty of Amboseli.
Amboseli Sopa Lodge or any other Lodge around

Day Thirteen

Amboseli National Park Amboseli is in big game country: elephants, antelopes, zebras, wildebeests, buffalos and giraffes. Two game drives are planned today, both of which will introduce you to the intense beauty and drama that fill each day here. Predators stalk the herds of grazing animals, recreating the age-old drama of life and death under the African sun, in a lushly beautiful setting.

If you haven’t visited a Masai village yet, you will do so today, learning about their tribal social systems, customs and the place of the Masai in today’s Africa. Residents live in a, “Manyatta” or village, much as they have for centuries and you will have an opportunity to see the interior of these mud-hut homes, spotless and unadorned, contrasted with the Masai themselves, bedecked with brilliantly colored beads and cloths. Evening will find us back at Sopa for a steaming bath, cocktails and a sumptuous dinner. Very quickly you are ready for a deep evening slumber in the comfortable rooms.
Amboseli Sopa Lodge or any other Lodge around

Day Fourteen

Amboseli National Park – Nairobi

Today will be the final morning that you’ll wake up in Africa, but this is a good place to do it as the view of Mt. Kilimanjaro doesn’t get much better. After breakfast you’ll depart Amboseli at 8:00am, there will be a morning game drive en route to Nairobi. Just enough time to snap that perfect shot of lions playing or gazelles bounding. You’ll arrive in Nairobi in time for lunch then you’ll be dropped off at the airport for your flight back home. We hope to see you again soon in East Africa!

If your flight is in the morning you can arrange for an extra night in Nairobi, with a transfer to the airport in the morning.

Included services

  • Park entry fees
  • All accommodation in lodges stated or equivalent
  • All meals as per itinerary
  • All Road transport in a safari minivan
  • Services of a professional driver guide
  • Bottled drinking water
  • All transfers to and from airports

Does not include

  • Visa fees
  • Local Flights to Nairobi –Mombasa Return
  • Tips and gratuities while on Tour
  • Masai Village Visits
  • Balloon Safari Rides